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340bWell Software Empowers Sexual Health Clinics to Maximize 340b Savings, Grant Compliance, and Patient Navigation.

340bWell software vastly improves the way sexual health and wellness clinics operating under the 340B program conduct business. We bring the disparate pieces of organizational management together to solve patient, financial, and administrative problems with a straightforward solution. Tested and proven in one of the largest PrEP clinics in the nation, 340bWell has been shown to improve patients and clinics’ well-being. Ultimately, we aim to empower sexual health and wellness clinics to serve their patients better and keep them in care longer while running a successful and profitable operation.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

It started with a bold concept: No Margin, No Mission, and a belief that that technology should empower agencies with easy-to-use tools that enable staff to focus on their number one goal: delivering your mission. We identify gaps in pharmacy payments and compliance issues with an automated reconciliation platform. Configurable workflows allow patient advocates to support patient retention, adherence and deliver program goals by using technology to align advocate and financial staff together.

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